Are you still getting paper transcripts of your depositions? If you are, you are missing one of the best new tools that tech can bring you as a practicing lawyer or paralegal. You may have received, as a complement to a paper transcript, an electronic file on disk containing the transcript in digital form. However, modern technology permits the delivery of the electronic transcript in computer searchable form, and litigation support systems such as Summation I-Blaze, reviewed in a prior post, can take electronic text and index it for later search. The most-used software in this area is RealLegal's E-Transcript. A free viewer is available for download at RealLegal's website- RealLegal . RealLegal, a division of LiveNote, Inc., focuses on providing litigation and transcript management tools to law firms, courts and court reporting firms. Next time you take a deposition, ask for an E-transcript file, and see how effective computer-based searching of transcripts can be. A newer technology, real-time transcription, allows the lawyer to see the questions and answers as they occur, and can be fed, with the right equipment, to remote locations so that you or other lawyer's in your firm can view and comment on the performance of another lawyer in the firm. Some Court Reporters are also now able to provide video depositions with synchronized text transcripts side by side. Taking clips from such a deposition, and showing it to a Judge or Jury can be powerful persuasive tools in litigation. If your case is important enough to file, and to win, it is important enough to spend some money on the tools that technology can provide. It's your move.