I keep a big cardboard box at home, filled with computer cables and gadgets that I don't use anymore, or that I never really used at all. I could call it a junk box, but every now and then, on a Saturday morning, I pull everything out, look at each item, and try to figure out what I was thinking when I paid good money for it. Rarely, I find something that I have a current use for, like the Jabra BT200 bluetooth headset that never really worked well until I paired it with the Treo 650. This time, I pulled out an old wireless Targus Palm folding keyboard, a clunker that unfolds into a chiclet keyboard for entering text into any Palm device. The device sits on a cradle in front of the keyboard. While I store documents on the Palm for reference, I have never been able to get the benefit of typing on this little keyboard for editing and saving documents. My notebook computer slice only weighs 2 1/2 pounds, and I carry it with me for real work. It always seemed kind of useless to try to edit large documents on a kludgy keyboard that was too small anyway. Kind of destroys the whole point of carrying something small in your pocket, doesn't it?