Link: Wi-Fi Reaches the Speed of Ethernet - Yahoo! News. Are you using Wi-Fi yet? Perhaps you have security concerns, or maybe you don't feel comfortable installing it at home or at the office. This article from Yahoo News shows why you need to get over it. With WPA encryption now standard on Wi-Fi routers, and with the hardware NAT firewall built in to routers, security should be no more of a concern than with your wired networks. Of course, security will never be perfect, and you need to be conscious of it all the time; but, now that Wi-Fi speeds, with the new N class protocol, are approaching wired network speeds, you need to learn about it, and use it. Now, I still believe that 3G wireless networks using cell phone towers (mine is EV-DO from Verizon using CDMA) are a lot easier to use than the hassle of finding an open Wi-Fi router; especially when you are out and about. However, wired transmission speeds pique my interest, and I will be watching this trend closely. How can you stay up to date? Why, read the FutureLawyer of course!