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Okay, I admit it. I know WordPerfect. I love WordPerfect. WordPerfect is a friend of mine. Microsoft Word is NO WordPerfect. I will cling to my WordPerfect software with my cold, dead hands. I like, no, I must have, software for word processing that allows me to get under the hood and change things. "Reveal Codes" in WordPerfect lets me change the styles, fonts, look and feel of the document in a way not possible with Microsoft Word. However, all my friends and colleagues have been stupefied by the fact that all their friends and colleagues, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, are using Word. I wish I had a nickel for every email I have received telling me to send back documents in Word format. Ouch. Well, I have a solution. Go to OpenOffice.Org and download version 2 of this wonderful, free, open source software. The Word fanatics will never know, and you can keep WordPerfect in your private domain. Enjoy.
Thanks for the tip. I'll pass it along to all the lawyers I know who use WP so they can send documents to me in a format that I can open!
Posted by: [email protected] | June 24, 2006 at 08:12 PM