Link: Defense Tech: Robotic Frisbees of Death. And, in the category of, "Oh my God, What is the World Coming To?", we have the military's latest weapon, the Death Star Frisbees. These lethal drones are definitely not toys, and will contain bunker-buster sized bombs that will locate and detonate the enemy. It is too bad we spend so much time and money figuring out how to kill people. It is also too bad that technology allows us to do it without being there. It is a very different thing to kill somebody who is physically in your presence. Randall Jarrell said it best in "The Death of The Ball-Turret Gunner", an early Twentieth Century poem lamenting the death rained down from the skies by World War I bombers in Europe. Jarrell thought that the horror of war should be experienced first hand. Then, it would be less likely to be repeated. The last line of the poem speaks volumes: "When he died, they washed him out of the turret with a hose."