Link: Web access for autos goes on the road - Yahoo! News. I have been using my handheld computer in my car for some time now. The Treo 700w checks for email, allows me to browse the web, and my Treo 650, coupled with a tiny GPS device, acts as a portable navigation system. All of these things can be distractions on the road, and shouldn't be used while driving. If I want to use them, I just ask "She Who Must Be Obeyed" to drive. She likes being in control, anyway. I can also put them in my pocket when I get to the courthouse, and they are available during the long waits for hearings and such. But, do we REALLY need a computer in the dashboard of our cars? The temptation of this to distract the driver seems to me to be a no-brainer. Of course, there is no accounting for the lack of brains, now is there?