Link: Home Office Lawyer: 10 Must-Have Apps for the Mac Using Solo Practitioner.
I had a feeling that my Top Ten Apps for Solos would provoke a response from Grant Griffiths. I suppose that, if I wanted to spend a couple of years learning new software, and take a hiatus from law practice while I was doing it, I would probably get a Mac and try out his picks. But, I don't and I'm not. I leave it to the lawyers out there who are likely using Windows in their law practices; pick your poison. You can live in pain for your remaining years while you get trained in the Mac, and then die. Or, you can enjoy your last couple of years NOT relearning everything you know. Get a Mac? NOT.
This is the dumbest post I've read on this site in a long time. I know you are a rabid Windows apologist but please. I made the switch recently and it is like switching from a Kia with high milage to a BMW. Are there differences in the systems, sure (although less and less as Windows Vista now at least tries to incorporate many of the features Macs have had for five or more years). But pain? Um...No.
If this is living in pain, then hit me with that stick again.
Now run along and reboot your Windows machine. It just crashed again.
Posted by: Bill Simms | April 10, 2007 at 10:45 AM
Ouch! Well, at least my post made you read the site, right? As far as being a Windows apologist, anybody who has read my stuff knows that I hate Microsoft. And, "rabid" is not exactly a word I would use to describe myself. I am so glad that you mad e the switch, and that you are happy with your choice.
Posted by: rickgeorges | April 10, 2007 at 11:12 AM
A smart guy like you would cut that learning time down to 2 weeks tops. Macintosh isn't for everyone but if life in the Redmond lane isn't your cup of tea come on over anytime.
Posted by: hmurchison | April 10, 2007 at 11:47 AM