Link: Excite News - Phishing Attack Plunders Job Site. Phishing attacks are becoming more sophisticated. I recently received a phishing attack email minutes after an Ebay auction. The legitimate email said that I won the auction. The phishing email said that I lost the auction, but that I could click a button and allegedly go to a website with similar items for sale. Luckily, the emails came within minutes of each other, and I was able to determine the legitimate one. Similarly, the phishing attack in this Excite article, against Monster.Com, used personal information gleaned from hacking the site, which information was used to send emails to users with legitimate looking purposes. The similarity in these schemes is that both requested that the reader click on a link IN the email. Never do this. Type the web address into your browser if you must check it out. Since the scammer will usually pretend to be a legitimate site, it is highly unlikely they have taken control of the web name. I solved the problem by going directly to the Ebay and PayPal sites from my browser. From there, it was easy to see which email was correct. Be careful out there.