Link: Ernie The Attorney: Requiem for an iPhone. Ernie Svenson has a bricked IPhone, cause unknown. I feel his pain. My Treo was requiring daily reboots for a while, until Palm stepped up and fixed the problem. However, I have never had the kind of hardware problem Ernie describes. This goes to show that technology is never as bullet-proof as the advertising says, and that the raging debate between Treo and IPhone and the 8525 is more a matter of taste and function than reliability. None of these things will always work, and computers and software will ALWAYS have bugs and problems which must be fixed. We all need to gain some perspective, and concentrate on the many positive impacts these little tools have on our lawyer lives. We all tolerate flaws in our personal relationships, and we pray that our significant others will tolerate our flaws. Are we less tolerant of our machines? Can't we all just get along?