Link: Treo 800w Coming To Sprint In July? - Treonauts.
What's as thin as a Centro, but with a screen as large as a Treo, which runs Windows Mobile 6, and runs on the CDMA networks of Sprint and Verizon? Why, the new Treo 800W of course, and it might be at a retailer near you this summer. I don't particularly like Windows Mobile, and I am happy with the smaller form factor of the Centro; however, for those of you who want a bigger picture, and who like Windows Mobile, this is your mobile law office. In addition to the built-in, lightning fast EvDO Internet access we have come to love, this smartphone will have built-in WiFi and GPS. If you have an Enterprise, and you need to roll out standard mobile tech with built-in Microsoft Exchange compatibility, this is the one. Wait for it.