Link: Excite News - Free Web Version of Photoshop Launches. Web 2.0 is a descriptive term that broadly defines interactive websites that allow the user to do real work or play on the net. SaaS (Software as a Service) is a descriptive term that permits applications to reside on a hosted server, and used over the net. In either case, I have always been suspicious of them, to the extent that they require mission critical or client confidential data to be stored on a remote server somewhere. I have always been more comfortable licensing or buying software that I control locally, and keeping my data secure locally. Both methods have risk; however, I have always preferred to be in control of the risk. Just because I don't want to store my client billing information on a server somewhere else, however, does not mean I am not willing to use the power of the net for other applications. Adobe's new version of Photoshop that runs in any web browser is a good example. Just remember to save a local copy of your favorite photos.
If I am working on my laptop around town somewhere, I will usually FTP the files from my latop back home when I'm done, then delete them. There are a few SaaS that I use for work, but most (if not all) of them are apps that I otherwise couldn't run locally. But with so many free VPN options now, you can work on your home PC from anywhere, and save the need for web-based apps all together.
Posted by: Norcross | March 27, 2008 at 11:21 AM