Link: Motorola ZN5 tortured in the name of science -- or something - Engadget Mobile. Many is the time that She Who Must Be Obeyed must have thought seriously about doing this to my Palm smartphone. Before I got her hooked on the Centro, and several smart phones before that, she gave me dirty looks when I started checking email in restaurants and other public places. I told her, that, as addictions go, smartphones are rather tame; however, she didn't fully understand until she got addicted to them herself. Now, we look like strangers sometimes when we are at a restaurant, and both of us check email at the same time. Don't judge a book by its cover, though, we love each other deeply, and do communicate verbally from time to time. However, sometimes it is less obtrusive to tell someone you love them very much by texting them; especially in Church. Yes, I freely admit that I have texted my spouse and kids in Church, during a particularly boring homily. May I burn in the bad place. The foregoing is a roundabout way of getting to the point of this post, however. In case your smartphone ends up in somebody's drink, do you have a backup? One of the cool things about the Palm OS is that every hotsync can back up the entire contents of the smartphone. Get a new one, perform the initial hotsync, and everything comes back. So, go backup that smartphone, and stay away from the Ginger Ale.