Are you secure? Here’s a “Top 5” list of free security software downloads - Gadgetell. I spend a lot of time in computer and electronics stores. I know, what a surprise. And, I know that they need to sell product to survive, or I won't be able to shop in them anymore. But, if I see one more salesperson sell a bloated Antivirus or Security Software product to an unsuspecting shopper, I will scream. Repeat after me, there is no reason to spend hundreds of dollars on computer security software. I have posted about some of the best in the business before, I use them regularly, and the basic versions are free,free,free. If you don't like the ads in Avira Antivirus, you can buy a copy of the Professional version for $29.95. You can contribute a voluntary donation to Safer-Networking.Org, if you like Spybot. But, look at these 5 free solutions before you give money to a store.