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December 20, 2008


Russ Gray

I'm not sure I agree about the Kindle being endangered. For just reading, it's better than a PDA/phone or ipod - bigger screen, much much easier to look at, and little to no glare on the screen. I tried reading ebooks on my Dell Axim a few years ago, and it just didn't work. Too much eyestrain. With a kindle, the problem goes away.

Finis Price

As an owner of an iPhone, Kindle and Sony e-Reader, I'll have to say the e-ink technology is far superior to cellphone readers. The backlight really strains the eyes when reading do the the contrast as opposed to the e-ink readers like the Kindle which are no more difficult on the eyes than paper.

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Lawyer,Poet, author, educator. Practices real property, corporation, wills, trusts and estates law in Pinellas County, Florida. Writes the FutureLawyer column. Gives seminars on technology and the law. Author of "Life is Simple, Really", Poems about Life, Loving, Family and Fun, and "Poems For Lovers".
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