Verizon confirms plans to sell Netbooks | Crave - CNET. AT&T is already selling subsidized netbooks with built-in access to their 3G network. You can buy a netbook for $99, as long as you commit to a long term 3G subscription. Now Verizon Wireless is joining the fray, with a so far unnamed manufacturer partner (probably HP). The question is why? I have been using a netbook with Verizon Wireless 3G for over a year. My wireless USB Verizon broadband wireless modem plugs into the netbook, or into a wireless router, and I happily compute away. Would it be more convenient to have the 3G built in? Perhaps; but, then, I would be limited to using my broadband with one device. If you plan on carrying only one device, then this might be for you. Most of us nowadays are carrying several devices around, and we want flexibility. So, before you jump on the bandwagon, ask yourself what you want and need. Then, buy.