AT&T CEO Says Wireless Networks Aren't Prepared For Data Traffic -- Frankly, He Should Know | Techdirt. My recent post about three proposed new iPhones, and my assertion that they would not be on my list of things to do as long as they were associated with AT&T brought a comment by a happy Boston user. The network may perhaps be okay in Boston; however, these recent statements by AT&T's CEO should give any prospective AT&T user pause. Briefly, he says the network is deficient because there are too many users competing for bandwidth, and AT&T needs to start charging by the megabyte again. He also promises that the new 4G rollout will solve the problems; of course, expect to pay a lot more for access, and to buy a new device that can access the new network. Thank the Lord that there are competing cell networks who will provide flat rate plans and competent devices. Verizon Wireless has its deficiencies and problems; however, as long as I have a reasonably priced, competent network, that doesn't always make excuses, I will stay with the one who brought me to the dance. Apple, if you want me to buy one of the new iPhones, give me a choice of carriers.