Lifehacker - EeeRotate Orients Your Laptop Screen for Easy Reading - Screen. I am perfectly happy with the size of my iPod Touch screen for reading Ebooks and RSS feeds. With glasses, my eyesight is fine, thank you very much. However, I have seen a trend towards the Ebook appliance, and there are even plans for a large one for textbook and magazine and newspaper reading. May I humbly suggest that, if you need a bigger Ebook screen, that EeeRotate has a free software solution that can be used with your current netbook. You can even use it with a laptop; however, a 5 pound laptop held sideways might be a bit much. This works fine with my little HP Mini, and the 8.9 inch screen is plenty big enough and the computer is light enough to hold like a book. So, you make the call, deep pockets. Do you want a dedicated Ereader for $500, or a free software solution that does the same thing?