Palm Not Worried About Competition - The Channel Wire - IT Channel News And Views by CRN and VARBusiness. I am beginning to think that the alleged competition between the new Palm Pre and the BlackBerry Storm and the new iPhone 3GS isn't really the question. There will always be a market for each, and there will always be fans of each. I am beginning to think that the compromises required by the choice of just one handheld demands that each be used for its own purposes. Of course, every lawyer's needs are different, and I will likely be carrying both the Pre and the iPod Touch for some time. I am using a Centro for cell phone stuff right now, and will upgrade to the Pre when the Verizon network gets it. I held a Pre in my hot little hands at the local Best Buy, and it is actually thinner and smaller than the Centro, but with a large screen. Perfect for phone and email and web. Which one do you choose?