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October 12, 2009


Timothy Ceder

Agreed. I keep pen and paper near my work desktop (which is painfully slow - thanks gov't), so when the speed hinders productivity, I can scratch out a quick outline of what I'm actually trying to do. Slower computers do not need to result in slower work, it's just a matter of using those load times as efficiently as possible.

Of course, the best route is to use a machine that has a quick sleep/awake cycle (i.e. mac), but that's another story.

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Lawyer,Poet, author, educator. Practices real property, corporation, wills, trusts and estates law in Pinellas County, Florida. Writes the FutureLawyer column. Gives seminars on technology and the law. Author of "Life is Simple, Really", Poems about Life, Loving, Family and Fun, and "Poems For Lovers".
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