Verizon chief says offering the iPhone is Apple's call. Even though it looks like Verizon is going to be marketing the Droid like crazy, there is a glimmer of hope that Apple will see the light, and make the iPhone a two network phone. Okay, maybe not. Big Red really doesn't need the iPhone, although it would be nice to have the benefits of the best network to go along with the best phone. Until that day, if it ever comes, I will get my apps on the iPod Touch. Apple makes a lot of money as it is, so they probably don't care. Verizon is big, the best, and it knows it. So, it doesn't really care. We consumers will care less when the Droid becomes available. Open source phones are going to be the biggest part of the market as Android 2.0 deploys. Which phone is best will always remain a matter of opinion.