Verizon is getting ready to air Droid X commercials in advance of the big day, on July 15th. This photo will give you a sample of the size of the phone in the hand. It looks like a mini-tablet, but not TOO big. See the whole commercial, and you can see that Verizon is still all about the network.
Semi-solutions for iPhone 4 reception problems - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets - Gizmodo -
What's an iPhone 4 user to do? Is the antenna problem a design problem? Maybe. Wrapping the antennae around the phone for good looks seems to have been an error. But, maybe it has something to do with spotty AT&T access? The fellow in the photo has an answer, which eliminates the necessity of holding the phone in a hand; read the Gizmodo post for some other solutions. My humble suggestion? Buy an Android phone, and skip the problem altogether.
Google in China: Google to stop redirecting users in China to uncensored site -
Chinese Government censors want to regulate what their citizens see. This flies in the face of every freedom loving citizen of the world, and presages a future conflict over Internet freedom. Google is admittedly between a rock and a hard place. Defy the Chinese censors, as it has been doing by redirecting searches inside China to an open Hong Kong site, or risk losing its business licenses inside China, which is the biggest marketplace in the world right now. Google has altered its methods; Chinese searchers who want an open and free search will have to click a link to the Hong Kong site. Will this satisfy the Chinese Government? Will they be able to track users' Internet use, and punish those who dare to click the Hong Kong link? We are fortunate to live in a country in which such Government action is illegal. However, we are also citizens of the world, and we owe it to freedom loving people everywhere to raise our voices in opposition to the Chinese Government's actions.
Lawyers seek iPhone Death Grip victims - Apple 2.0 - Fortune Tech.
Thanks to Jennifer Wallace of the Rory Weiner law firm in Brandon, Florida, for this heads up, about a California law firm that is collecting Plaintiffs for a lawsuit against Apple over the Antenna "Death Grip" issue. On behalf of lefties everywhere, I applaud this brazen attempt to extract a pound of flesh from arrogant Apple. Of course, if you buy an IPhone 4 after reading this, you are on notice about the defect, and would likely face an Affirmative Defense of Contributory Negligence. Or, in States which still permit it, Assumption of Risk. Actually, now that I think about it, any tech purchase in an age where bugs and defects are standard might carry that caveat, no? I have a modest proposal for Apple. Sell the antenna separately, so that Apple customers can insert it in their cranium, rather than wrap it around the phone. That way, the only thing that could interfere with the signal would be a tin foil hat.
Where did you Connectify Today?: Connectify 2.0.1 Released!. My favorite Windows 7 productivity tool has gone to a new version, which fixes some bugs, and works great. It is free, which is amazing, and it turns any Windows 7 machine with an Internet connection into a WiFi Hotspot to which family and friends can connect. You can lock it down with WPA 2 encryption, so strangers can't join your little ad hoc network. When Android releases Version 2.2 (Froyo) next month, you will be able to do the same thing with your Android smartphone. Oh, yes, you can't run Connectify on a Mac, and iPhone doesn't have a WiFi Hotspot app. I am resisting the urge to say "There isn't an App for that". Of course, I am sure some hacker has figured out a way to use an iPhone for tethering a single computer; but, I don't know of any apps that will make an iPhone into a sharable hotspot. If there is, I am sure one of my iPhone owning readers will tell me. I think there is still one of you.
I make such sacrifices for you, dear reader. I have pre-ordered a Droid X, and, if I can't get them to allow me to swap it for the Droid I got last November, I will be stuck with 3 (count 'em) smart phones. Oh, well, I do it for you, and to annoy She Who Must Be Obeyed. Although, she confesses that she LOVES the Droid Incredible. She has used everything, from Blackberrys, Windows Mobile, Palm and iPods, and she is a Droid convert. Here is a short, 10 minute video of the awesome Droid X coming out on July 15th.
Amazon Kindle App released into the Android Market %u2013 Android and Me.
Many of you got a Kindle Ereader, and use it all the time. While the iPad threatens all the other ereaders on the market, Kindle and Amazon have a large installed base, and I have said that, when they start publishing primary and secondary law books on them, I would get one. Until then, I am happy with my Android phones, and many others are happy with their iPhones. Until now, however, only iPhones had a mobile version of Kindle. Now, Android users can port their Kindle subscriptions to their mobile phones. My question is that, now that smart phone screens are so large, they make fine ereaders. Kindles are still monochromatic; although, some Kindle users say the screens are easier to read for long periods of time than the smartphone LCD and AMOLED screens. In any event, it is nice to have a choice now.
Technology News: Social Networking: Google Rumored to Be Taking Another Swing at Social.
How is Social Media like organized crime? Once you are in, you can't get out. I have tried to get away from Facebook several times; but, the pull of being able to keep an eye on my relatives, and She Who Must Be Obeyed, and my mother-in-law, and my son, was too much, and I kept coming back. Now, however, if Kevin Rose is right (and he usually is), Google Me will combine Buzz and Orkut into a monster social network that will be more secure and private than Facebook. I predict that, if Google Me launches, there will be a lot of people who join. Count me in, Google. Goodbye again, Facebook.
Jim Calloway's Law Practice Tips Blog: Your Old Office Copier As Jailhouse Snitch (Part 2).
This post by Jim Calloway expands upon the data security problem highlighted by the disclosure that office copiers store images of copied items on an internal hard drive. It is recommended that copier leaseholders require the copier company to wipe the hard drives on site before releasing them back to the manufacturer at lease expiration. While this might spark a legal dispute, and litigation, it seems reasonable to require the company to take reasonable steps to avoid receiving confidential information. I have, as I have posted previously, a cheaper and easier solution. I bought a cheap copier, and, when it dies, I will pull the hard drive, smash it with a hammer, and have a beer.
One Droid X killer feature the iPhone 4 lacks | Nanotech - The Circuits Blog - CNET News.
Is the Droid X the real iPhone killer? If you want a portable phone that really does everything, including acting as a WiFi sharing device that can support up to 5 devices simultaneously, it is. I have already posted about the Apple brain dead approach to net sharing and tethering. In a word, until very recently, you couldn't do it. Now, Motorola and Verizon are going tethering one better. I can leave my Cradlepoint router at home, and just enable wifi sharing on the X. I have a feeling a lot of my friends are going to be following me around begging me to turn on my Internet connection.
Lawyer,Poet, author, educator. Practices real property, corporation, wills, trusts and estates law in Pinellas County, Florida. Writes the FutureLawyer column. Gives seminars on technology and the law. Author of "Life is Simple, Really", Poems about Life, Loving, Family and Fun, and "Poems For Lovers".