Vlingo for Android gives users full voice control over their Android phone [GIVEAWAY] %u2013 Android and Me. One of the cool things about Android is the text to voice and voice control apps that are built-in. Click the little microphone, and say something like: "Call She Who Must Be Obeyed", or "Find the nearest gas station", and Android complies (most of the time). Vlingo, a new speech control app for Android, takes voice control to the next level. You can launch apps, do text or email, call numbers, or search for stuff, all with your voice. Just click the microphone and the app is listening. So far it is remarkably accurate. It costs $9.95, which is pricey for an Android app. However, if you MUST call or text while driving, this is the way to do it. Oh, and another thing. I am testing it with a Bluetooth earset. It works great. This is the first voice app I have ever used that works fine with a Bluetooth earset. Now, all young lawyers can say: "Find the Courthouse", and they will be on their way, complete with GPS spoken directions. If you can't find the courthouse with an Android phone running Vlingo, you need to consider a change of profession.