Toshiba Readying Both Android and Windows 7 Tablets, "SmartPad" Coming This October.
The tablet wars are about to begin, and it sounds like the PC/Mac wars, and the Android/iOS wars, all over again. We all like comparisons, and we get passionate about our tech. However, maybe, just maybe, everyone is right? The new Android tablets, like this one from Toshiba, will be hitting the streets in a couple of months, and the inevitable comparisons will be made to the Apple iPad. The Apple lovers will tout the slim form factor, the sleek interface, and the apps. The Android lovers will tout the USB ports, the HDMI out ports, the open Android system, the SD card readers built in. The people who hate tablets in general will call tablets notebook computers without keyboards. However, when these things are used for what they were designed for, you don't really need a keyboard. You can carry them around, and read magazines, watch videos, and browse the web in your lap. Notebooks are pretty uncomfortable for those uses. So, the real battle will be with the big smart phones, like IPhone 4, Droid X, and EVO. Do you really need a screen that is bigger than 4 inches? Do you want a media device that won't fit in your pocket? Do you want both? Answer all of these questions, and the device you should buy will become clear. But, let's not make fun of those who choose differently. à chacun son goût.