WeJudicate: Citizen Coders Serving Justice. David Colarusso, the founder of WeJudicate, is one bright law student. Of course, his life experience, as an intern with Navy JAG, and the Navajo Nation, helps. I am seldom involved in "causes". However, free and open access to the tools of lawyering is one that I endorse. While there is a place for fee based legal research, and other paid tools for lawyers, the primary source material of the law should be free and accessible, and, if citizens choose to donate their time to making that primary source material available in a more usable form, they should be permitted to do so. Kafka's seminal novel, The Trial, with its inaccessible judicial system, is not the direction a free democracy should be going. So, if you feel motivated to assist citizen coders in making primary law and the courts more accessible to the general public, check out David's site.