Hey, what's wrong with a small iPhone? | Nanotech - The Circuits Blog - CNET News.It is pretty amazing that Apple fans are in so much denial that there is a serious article about why a small phone screen is preferable. I suppose that a user could seriously argue that they are okay with a 3.5 inch screen if they love the other features of the phone so much that they don't need a larger view. But, dude, seriously. The sweet spot for phone screens is so clearly larger than that! I can hold a Galaxy Nexus, at almost 5 inches diagonally, in one hand. The vast majority of users will always pick the larger screen, when given a choice. It is about choice for many of us. How many choices do users who want small, 3.5 inch screens, have. And, side by side, when screen size and brightness is the only variable, which would you choose? No debate.