Birds may be dinosaurs that never grew up. - One of the pleasures of solo practice is that nobody can tell me what is appropriate decor for my waiting room. We have all been in the waiting rooms of large law firms in office towers. Antiseptic in their cleanliness, lots of dark wood, mahogany preferred, magazines neatly laid upon large coffee tables; sort of like the kind of room we expect to see while waiting to go to Purgatory after we die. We solos have a lot more freedom; my shtick is that I have three large parrot cages, populated by noisy parrots; two Umbrella Cockatoos and a Blue and Gold Amazon. Some clients have told me that waiting in my waiting room is like going to Busch Gardens. I have always had an affinity for large parrots, and I now find out that they are really baby dinosaurs who never grew up. I guess I now know that I am not the only dinosaur in the office. Who knew?