iPad | Verizon iPad | Verizon Wireless. I love my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet computer. I carry it everywhere. I do everything on it. The other day at lunch, I took a client call, loaded up LogMeIn Ignition on the tablet, pulled up a document on the computer back at the office, and Efaxed it to the client remotely. I love the choice and flexibility and customizability of the Android ecosystem. But, some of you road warrriors just have to have an iPad. I get it. Many lawyers want what everyone else is using; and, it seems that some of the in court app developers have settled on the iPad as a standard. So be it. But, if you have to go along with the crowd, at least get one from Verizon Wireless, with a 4G LTE radio in it. No more worrying about finding WiFi on the road. No more expensive hotel connections. Bring your Internet with you. Even if you have to have an iPad.