The Story of Send. I have always gotten questions about the security of email. And, since I have moved to GMail for regular business work, I get a lot of questions about data security. I always refer the questioner to the old way of sending information, on paper, in an envelope, through the U.S. Postal Service. If a criminal wants to get at your mail, email or otherwise, and they have the technical knowhow, it can, of course, be done. However, it is far more reasonable, in my mind, to rely on the security of data transfer over the Internet, than to rely on the security of paper being carried by human beings across the country. I am ignoring, for the moment, those who say a lawyer or law firm should have a vanity domain. I have one, at; but, I still use good old gmail for most stuff. I have yet to have a client, or prospective client, hire, or not hire, me because I use my gmail address. That said, if you want to watch a cool little slide show, from Google, about how your email gets to its destination, watch this one. If somebody really wants to steal my email, they would have to break Google encryption to do so.