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August 27, 2012


Miriam Robeson

I would be interested in a lawyer-perspective review of the various cloud services (both storage and sharing sites) that are available. The various versions I use are mostly driven by my clients transferring data to me via their favorite platform.

I know that could be a challenging task, considering the number of services available, but a bird's-eye overview might be interesting.

These are ones I've used or been asked to use by clients:

Google Docs/Drive

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Lawyer,Poet, author, educator. Practices real property, corporation, wills, trusts and estates law in Pinellas County, Florida. Writes the FutureLawyer column. Gives seminars on technology and the law. Author of "Life is Simple, Really", Poems about Life, Loving, Family and Fun, and "Poems For Lovers".
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