Excerpt %u2014 %u2018How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age%u2019 %u2014 By Dale Carnegie and Associates, with Brent Cole - NYTimes.com.
After reading the original book in my youth, I liked it; but, I didn't consciously apply its principles in my daily living. However, it is now apparent to me that it subconsciously influenced my life in fundamental ways. Dealing with people is at the core of law practice, and just about any other life endeavor. Now, you can carry the Carnegie precepts with you on your smart phone, and you can read the only self-help book you will ever need any time you want. All of the other self-help, self realization, and self improvement books, tapes, or whatever, are really copies of one man's work. And, even Carnegie can be boiled down into a few principles that will make you a better human being, and a more influential one. Modern social media seems to be about self promotion more than helping others. Again, Carnegie said it best:
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming more interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in you.”