Are we seeing the demise of law blogs?.
I found this discussion of the purported demise of law blogs between friends, Carolyn Elefant and Kevin O'Keefe, interesting. Carolyn speculates that law blogs may be dying, like an aging Yankees team full of older players whose injuries are having an effect that is symbolized by this photo of a melting snowman. As a Rays fan, I have no problem with this image. However, as a law blogger I must agree with Kevin. While my blog is not the only way I engage with the world of readers of these things any more, it is still the repository of my current thought about just about everything. I would probably write it, even if nobody read it. On the other hand, it is now just a part of a growing group of audiences, which are each different in their own way. Twitter and Facebook and Google+ are each important to the way users connect to the Internet of ideas. Whether a reader engages with a law blogger via RSS feed, or a more modern method of communication is irrelevant. I think of my law blog as a foundation in a large house, that keeps growing new floors. Come in the front door, or the back door, or fly in by helicopter. I am waiting for you.