Silencify - Smart Silence Phone Automatically | AndroidTapp.
We've all been there. You are in a movie theater, or a meeting with a client, or in Court for a hearing, and an annoying phone ring intrudes. You forgot to turn off the sound on your phone or device. Ouch. In addition to being embarrassing, some of us have pretty embarrassing ring tones. For instance, if I hear a duck quacking anywhere near me, I know that daughter's phone is ringing. You get the picture. I have a Silent On Off Widget on my home screen that I use a lot. Just tap it and the phone goes into vibrate mode. Tap again, and it is completely silent. This little app, Silencify, automates the process of managing speaker tones. For instance, it allows the user to program silent mode any time the word meeting or court or whatever appears in the calendar. Very cool, very easy to use, and very free.