Google to publish data on malware, phishing scams - The Washington Post.
Hopefully, all the news about the ways in which your Government spies on your computer use hasn't taken your eye off the ball in the real game. Now that Google will start publishing information about all the bad ways in which viruses and malware can infect your system, you will spend some quality time protecting yourself. Just as you get shots for your kids to immunize them from disease, you need to protect your computers. Microsoft has done a good job making Windows Defender protection the default in new Windows 8 systems. I, however, am a believer in SpyBot Search and Destroy, which is a great solution to staying current about software infections. It has AntiSpyware, AntiVirus, Internet protection, and live protection available. If you want to try it out, don't do a search for Spybot. There are a lot of dubious sites out there that hijack the name. Go here and get some protection. Be careful out there.