Richard %u201CRick%u201D Georges - Google .
Google now permits plussers to have their Profile page link use their real name, which I thought was very cool, until one commenter called the new feature announced yesterday at the Google event "today's vanity license plate". Vanity is not one of the deadly sins I have been accused of lately, so I guess I will have to add it to the list. Oh well. I love that other plussers, or anyone, for that matter, can access my posts, and contact details and other stuff at Many lawyers don't use social media, or don't use it well. They pay somebody some money, and put up a website because somebody said they should. The site that results isn't much more than a business card. Social media is a way to connect with friends, clients, prospective clients, like minded souls, and many others. So, call me vain, just don't call me late for social media.