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February 28, 2014


Chuck Newton

I pretty much have a paperless office. I sent out about a letter a day, which requires me to print out some paper and envelopes. Mainly, I receive paper. Not nearly as much as in the past, but enough. I scan almost all of it and keep it on my case management site, or in various files on my personal computer. I keep a couple of Code books handy, but I can look those up online. I rarely print off what I draft, I email it, store it on my office's operating system, and/or sent it to a third party for certified mailing. My legal research is online, I receive all documents from the courts onine. I file all documents online. When I flew to Tampa, I had to print out a boarding pass.

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Lawyer,Poet, author, educator. Practices real property, corporation, wills, trusts and estates law in Pinellas County, Florida. Writes the FutureLawyer column. Gives seminars on technology and the law. Author of "Life is Simple, Really", Poems about Life, Loving, Family and Fun, and "Poems For Lovers".
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