What if Your Dream Home Had a View of an Oil Derrick?. It all depends upon your "point of view", doesn't it? If there were Oil Derricks in my front yard, my first instinct would be to hire a surveyor. If they were on my land, I would then expect to get checks every month for the rest of my life, and the derricks would be the most beautiful sculptures I had ever seen. This all reminds me of the "hairy arm" syndrome, which highlights the maxim that perception often misrepresents reality. A man goes into a dark house, and see a big hairy arm sticking out of the wall. He immediately attacks it, cutting off the arm. The owner of the arm bleeds to death, and, upon tearing open the wall, it is discovered that it belonged to a mother protecting her young. So, always be aware that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Or, at least, in the wallet.