7 things Net neutrality won't do - CNET. Okay, how many times in the past year have you heard the phrase: "net neutrality" bandied about and not bothered to read any further? You know you have. We live in a world of the Internet, and we don't really care how it is regulated or not regulated. We don't care whether the net is neutral or not. We don't care if the Government or someone else controls the flow of data or not. What do we care about? Will our new episodes of House of Cards stream without a hiccup or not? Of course, any normal person with a broadband connection, whether supplied by a cable company or a satellite company or a phone company (there are still phone companies?) knows how frustrating it is to have blips and jags and black screens in the middle of our programming. Streaming video is not a perfect product yet. Without net neutrality some of our programming streams would likely get better, if, say, Netflix, for more money, got a faster pipe. But, who would pay for that? Would we? Well, that is what free markets are about, no? Now, with net neutrality a real reality again, with the FCC's latest rule making explosion, nobody gets preferential treatment in the flow of information. The catch? There is always a catch right? Now, the regulator isn't the free market. The regulator is your friendly government, which is here to help you. God help us.