As our Government is caught in the middle of scandals that cast doubt on its competence and good faith; as we enter another year in which young men and women are dying in conflicts about which many of us don't seem to care; I am compelled to do another post about a day that honors those who have given the ultimate sacrifice (their life) in the armed services. In my day, questions were asked about whether the young men and women dying in VietNam were sacrificing their lives for a cause not worth fighting for. The same questions are being asked today. However, these young men and women do the job out of a sense of duty and love of country and they are to be admired and supported, and not just on Memorial Day. I realize that my readers are probably very well educated and are interested in, and keep up with, current events. I am certain that each of you has a good knowledge of history. However, we have a duty to insist that our Government respect the rights these veterans died for, and we have a duty to educate our countrymen; not the least of which those who seem more interested in their own lives and interests than in the survival of democracy. Make this day a day of remembrance and not just a holiday. Make it a clarion call to arms of the non lethal kind. Cry for dead heroes. Worry for your country. On this Memorial Day, we are all veterans. Every day should be our Memorial Day.