DocumentSnap: Going Paperless And The Paperless Office. I have just spent a pleasant hour installing and using a new scanner, the Fujitsu IX500 ScanSnap. It is twice as fast as the Neat scanner I have been using for years, and I only regret I didn't switch long before this. It is push button simple, and scans direct to my PaperPort 14.5 folders. The document feeder is spot on accurate, and I couldn't be more pleased with a product. This thing is FutureLawyer recommended and it belongs on every lawyer's desk. While preparing for the new scanner I discovered Brooks Duncan's great website, DocumentSnap, and he is the best place to go to get tips and strategies for using the ScanSnap. It was his suggestion to use the Scan to Folder option that made PaperPort document management work for me. I don't even have to use PaperPort's scan manager, which is slow and cumbersome. Thanks, Brooks. I think you will be seeing some of my readers at your site.