German police raid flat after Alexa Amazon Echo 'holds party'. An Amazon Echo with a mind of its own got its owner in big trouble while he was out at a pub having a good time. Apparently, it decided to have a party and started blaring loud music at 2 A.M., waking the neighbors. When knocking on the door didn't help, the neighbors called the police, who broke down the door and discovered the partying device. Now, the owner is facing the cost of replacing the door and a fine for disturbing the peace. Of course, my lawyer readers will come up with many good defenses to the charge. Somehow, I don't believe "The Echo did it" will suffice, even though the owner has an ironclad alibi. Just another proof that modern tech will make work for lawyers and we shouldn't worry about becoming obsolete yet. Now that I think about it, the Echo is controlled by the phone app that connects to it via WiFi and the Internet. What a great prank to play on family and friends. Hmmm...."Officer, I've been framed".