Livescribe :: Never Miss A Word. I have now spent over a year with Livescribe Smart Pens, and I am addicted. I am now using a Livescribe 3, which connects to my Smartphone and Tablet in real time, and digitally transcribes everything I write, saving it in a computer file for posterity. It has given me two of the most poignant memories of my life, when Jacquelyn wrote little notes to me while testing the pens soon after I bought them. I still cry when I think about those memories. But, the pens create a complete digital record of my days, and my attorney-client interactions, and my notes of every meeting. Just recently I discovered that the pens also record audio in real time when I touch the pen to the record symbol on any page, using the phone's microphone. The text turns green when recording, and you can take notes simultaneously and go back and listen later. This will be great at public meetings and seminars; but, since Florida is a dual consent state, I won't use it in client meetings without prior consent. This $170 pen and affordable notebooks in every size you will need, is the perfect complement to the modern digital law practice.
Rick, I am getting ready to pull the trigger on the Livescribe 3. Can you maybe do an updated post on how (if) you are using OneNote or EverNote (on Windows, of course) with the pen. And, which of the paper formats (notebook, flip notebook, pocket-size notepad, sticky notes) you have tried and settled on (e.g., do you print your own 8.5x11 note paper)? Thanks!
Posted by: David Pellow | December 29, 2017 at 05:41 PM
. I agree with ya!
. There are a couple of "competitors" 'out there, but none can hold a candle to the LiveScribe.
Posted by: Tom Stirewalt | December 30, 2017 at 01:07 AM