6 Easy Opt-Outs to Protect Your Privacy - Consumer Reports. The recent Facebook data mining scandal caused quite a stir. However, the blame for the scandal wasn't spread around enough. We, dear reader, are as responsible for the sharing of our personal data as the companies that mined it and used it. There are ways to keep your personal data from spreading all over the place on the Internet. But, you have to be proactive. I would add to this list by Consumer Reports, by saying that you shouldn't play games on the Internet that ask for personal information. Don't tell people the names of your mother, father and every other relative. Be careful about any email or web game that asks for personal information. This list is more of a list of websites that governments and corporations have set up to allow you to opt out of their information gathering and dissemination. Some of them, I don't mind. For instance, I don't mind getting the catalogs and brochures for products I am interested in. Some marketing pays for the Internet, and should be encouraged. But, if you have a different view, you can opt out. Just don't ask me my mother's maiden name online.