The Untold Story of NotPetya, the Most Devastating Cyberattack in History | WIRED. This is a complex story of large scale hacking that caused billions of dollars of damage across the globe. It is a story of major corporations that were seemingly unconcerned about computer security. And, it is a story that illuminates the fact that, no matter how large or small you are, any computer connected to the Internet can be destroyed by a large cyber hacking operation. What can you do to prevent it from happening to you? Not a lot; but, something. One of the ways this spread was in corporations that had computers running Windows 2000 in a Windows 10 world. Windows 2000? I will bet that some businesses are still running 10 and 20 year old operating systems. In fact, multi-factor authentication is a necessity in the modern world. Every computer user should read, and try to understand, this article. It is your future. Hackers. They really are out to get you.