Elio Motors | The next big thing in transportation!. As I grow older, my fascination with cars grows. I love style, comfort, and the cool factor, and I love the fact that there is always something on them that needs to be fixed or improved. Four years ago, I gave Elio Motors $500 to reserve a three wheel American made commuter car that would cost $6,800 and drive like a regular automobile. It would have Air Conditioning, automatic transmission, and seat two. Jacquelyn and I saw it in Las Vegas a year later, and I still have a photo she took of me in the prototype. (You can't see my face in the photo, and I reminded her of that often). Car manufacturing being what it is, the delays increased, and I lost interest a year later; but, I still keep getting emails. Now, the memories of that trip to Vegas with Jacquelyn have lit the fire again, and I have sent another $500 to Mr. Elio's company to get into the group that will be first in line to buy one of these cool little cars when they go into production. Now, I just have to live long enough to buy one. The price is now over $7,000; but, that is pretty inexpensive in today's market. It is one thing to say the words, Memento Mori, every day. It is quite another to experience it in the death of a loved one, and really understand it. Dreams are the human way to fight back. So, remind yourself every day that you will die; and, then, list your dreams and go for it.