Nuance Power PDF Advanced. If you are practicing law in Florida, you absolutely, postively, have to have a powerful PDF application. Efiling is now mandatory in all Florida counties, and PDF/A is the standard for filing pleadings and documents. But, how to take a Word or WordPerfect document and create a PDF/A document for filing? The most cost effective way is to spend $99 to $179 on Nuance's excellent PDF software. It is compatible with Microsoft Windows 10 and touch-enabled input. It supports the new industry standard PDF 2.0 format. You can sign and send PDFs for signature with DocuSign, the leading eSignature service. You can collaborate in real-time with other users on your LAN. You can turn any web page into richly interactive PDF files with automatically embedded hyperlinks. I create pleadings in WordPerfect, and, with a keystroke, convert them into PDF files. Then, using Power PDF Advanced, I can sign them digitally, and email them, file them, and do just about anything I need to do.