Are You a Junk Food Vegan?. You don't have to be a bicycle riding, thin, pompous, proselytizing, jerk to be a vegan. Any eating lifestyle has to be a personal choice, and the reasons are yours, and yours alone. Nobody cares what you eat. You live with the consequences. I don't like judgmental people in general; less those who try to control how I live my life. But, there are many food choices out there. Some of us just realized that we don't have to choose other animals to eat. I like gasoline engines, and I have less problem with fossil fuels than I do with the waste created by eating animals and animal agriculture. So, make your own choices. But, don't make them out of some weird, self flagellating guilt that you think makes you better than anyone else. I think I will go smoke a cigar and drink some Scotch now.