Norascan is an anti-malware scanner for Windows PC. It isn't crazy to be obsessive about computer data security. Yes, Windows has malware scanners built in. Yes, Malwarebytes is the software I use on all my machines to scan for malware and bad actors. Is that enough security? I don't know. Apparently, I have developed a new hobby...looking for ways to find nasty malware in my systems. Hey, it is cheaper and easier than looking for gold on the beach with a metal detector. In any event, this free tool serves as a second opinion on my other security sweeps. No software is perfect; and, who knows, it may catch something the others have missed. Think of it as a second medical opinion from a Doctor. No two are alike. And, you will have the thrill and satisfaction of knowing your system is more secure. And, it is free. Be careful out there.