FutureLawyer Website In 2000. The Wayback Machine has saved billions of screen grabs from websites, going back to the beginning. This one is from 20 years ago, for my original website, that was born 25 years ago. It wasn't completely static, and had links to my articles, schedule of seminars, and other stuff. But, I didn't update it daily. That started when I turned it into a blog in 2005, after attending a seminar at which Kevin O'Keefe sparked my imagination and interest. But, 25 years is a long time in Internet years, and it is fun to look back and remember the excitement of publishing my own stuff on the web. Check out the wayback machine and see what you can find.
Congratulations. Your posts always amuse or instruct, often both, and sometimes they make me ponder and consider deeper thoughts.
Posted by: Edward Adamsky | February 07, 2020 at 01:53 PM
Thanks Ed. Much appreciated.
Posted by: Richard M Georges | February 07, 2020 at 02:04 PM