Razer Kishi Game Controller. I don't have a lot of time to play video games. I am a grown up. I have put away childish things. Oh, who am I kidding? There is a ton of satisfaction in running around killing monsters and blowing stuff up. There. I said it. Occasionally, I like to channel my 16 year old self and immerse myself in a classic video game. Doom is still my favorite. But, dedicating a big screen and computer with a high end graphics card isn't practical. My Smartphone is my traveling law office, and I can do just about anything with it. Connected to my Smartwatch, I literally can stay in touch with everything I need to ply my trade. But, alas, even a huge 6.2 inch phone screen and high powered processor can't handle the ergonomic difficulties of playing Doom. Using the thumbs and fingers on a tiny screen is not optimal when the monsters are coming to get you. Enter Razer, the company that became famous for gaming keyboards with satisfying deep throw mechanical keys that are a typist's dream. I use them for work, because I am a very fast touch typist, and I learned on mechanical keyboards. Now, the company has created a pullout game controller that connects to any candy bar smartphone. You stretch it and hook up to the MicroUSB connector. Presto, you have a handheld gaming setup that will keep you occupied. Now, excuse me, there are some monsters that I have to go kill. Hoorah.