Amor Fati. Love Your Fate. “Do not seek for things to happen the way you want them to; rather, wish that what happens happen the way it happens: then you will be happy.” Epictetus accurately posed the question, and answered by recognizing that we don't choose the events that happen; rather, we choose how we live our lives because of, or in spite of, them. When Admiral Stockdale was shot down over VietNam, and spent years being tortured in a prison camp, he survived because he learned to love his fate. He realized that he would be happy if he wished for fate to happen to him, because he knew it would. The only rational response to fate is acceptance and contenment. Love your fate, and you will be happy until you die. Depression is just one way of succumbing to fate. It is not a strategy to deal with it. So, get off your butt, get in the car, go to work, and have a great day. When you love and accept whatever happens, you will be happier when you realize that you got through another day alive and kicking.